Emergencies happen. Even though dealing with the unexpected is a fact of life, it doesn’t have to mean putting an end to your education.
The Student Emergency Assistance Program was created to provide limited just-in-time intervention to help students with financial assistance in a time of need. This fund is intended to be a supplemental financial resource when students are unable to meet immediate and essential expenses due to unexpected, unforeseen, and unavoidable circumstances. Students may apply for funds when they have exhausted all other resources, including loans through the Office of Financial Aid. This funding is not intended to replace or supplement existing financial aid and does not have to be repaid.
Funds are awarded as a grant and, unlike a loan, do not need to be repaid.
Eligibility Criteria
Any currently enrolled Greenville Technical College student pursuing a certificate, degree or diploma may be eligible. Factors the committee takes into account when considering awards include:
Academic Standing Requirements
- Enrolled in credit courses
- Possess a GPA of 2.0 or higher
- Enrolled in at least six (6) credit hours for the current semester and have a degree-seeking status in a diploma, certificate or degree program (Non-degree-seeking students are not eligible.)
Financial Status Requirements
- Must have a minimum GPA of 2.0.
- Must have a current year FAFSA on file with a file complete date.
- Must be in good Financial Aid SAP standing.
- Cannot owe a debt to the college from previous terms, be in default on student loans or have registration restrictions.
- Demonstrate financial need based on the Office of Financial Aid information.
- Demonstrate they have exhausted all other resources, including loans, scholarships and student aid available through the Office of Financial Aid, Greenville Tech Foundation and referrals by the STAR Center to community partners. Applicants must be able to show evidence of utilization of these resources or correspondence that indicates these resources are either insufficient, unavailable or not available quickly enough to address the emergency.
Hardship Requirements
- Demonstrate a temporary financial hardship resulting in an emergency situation.
- The expense must be unexpected, unforeseen and the urgent nature unavoidable.
- The need for financial assistance is not a result of one’s own actions.
- Student has demonstrated a good faith effort to explore other funding options.
- Extenuating circumstances exist.
- Applicants must be able to describe what steps have been taken to mitigate the current emergency.
Administrative Requirements
- Answer all questions on the application in full and submit supporting documentation of the need for assistance (e.g., police reports, medical records, receipts, written estimates, invoices, etc.) Incomplete applications are ineligible for funding.
- Applicant may not have previously received emergency funds from the STAR Center Student Emergency Assistance Fund for similar circumstances. Students are eligible once per academic year.
- Preference will be given to first-time STAR Center applicants, students, students in good academic standing and students in good conduct standing.
Expenses Covered
- Childcare and/or internet access needed to remain enrolled in class.
- Unforeseen emergency medical expenses such as emergency medical, dental, vision procedures, etc.
- Essential utilities (e.g., electric, gas, water – student's name and address must appear on all bills)
- Housing expenses due to homelessness or sudden loss of housing per court-ordered evictions (documentation must be submitted)
- Replacement of essential personal belongings and food due to accident, fire, theft, natural disaster or another unforeseen environmental hazard.
- Support shelter for a student in a dangerous situation due to acts of violence or other victimization.
- Other financial needs arising from individual and specialized circumstances to be determined on a case-by-case basis
Expenses Not Covered
Examples of expenses typically not covered include, but are not limited to:
- Tuition and fees, including past-due balances
- Non-essential bills such as credit card bills, cable, internet, cell phone, household or furniture costs not related to damage or theft.
- Regularly anticipated fixed expenses (e.g., health insurance, rent, etc.)
- Parking tickets, library fines or other preventable expenses
- Alcohol or drug-related offenses, fines and court fees/penalties, fines, tickets, legal fees or jail bonds
- Taxes
- Car payments and car insurance
- Most car repairs
- Costs for entertainment, recreation or non-emergency travel
- Standardized testing fees, certification fees, drug tests and background checks
- Program application fees, textbooks, tool kits, ATI fees and fingerprint fees
- Credit collections or expenditures resulting from poor financial management
- Phones
- Computer replacement due to negligence.
- Expenses due to a lack of financial planning or overspending.
- Outstanding debt to the college (e.g., past-due fees)
- Elective or cosmetic surgeries or medical procedures
- Other expenses rejected by the STAR Center Committee
Application Process and Procedures
The STAR Center office works with a committee to review applications and determine eligibility. Applicants may be required to meet with a staff member in the STAR Center or the office of the Vice President for Student Services to discuss their application.
Limited funds will be awarded to assist students with an emphasis on helping students in crisis stay safe and attend Greenville Technical College while overcoming unanticipated hardships. The STAR Center staff will also support students by helping them identify other resources and services that may provide critical assistance.
For information about the application process, please contact the STAR Center at 864-250-8003.
Awarding of Funds
The STAR Center Committee is authorized to award applicants full, partial or no funding. The STAR Center Committee’s decisions are final and may not be appealed.
For applicants granted full or partial emergency funding, payments are made directly to vendors specified in the emergency funds application. Checks are never made out to students – no exceptions.